Thursday, August 8, 2013


BIG FOOT Once there was a human that saw a giant’s foot at the beach. Kaspar yelled, EVERYONE THERE WAS A GIENT’S FOOT. So everyone came and saw the giant’s foot. Next morning kaspar say I can see the giant THE GIANT, RUN FOR YOURE LIVES. Kaspar say to everyone I got a plan, kaspar say’s we can make a big foot trap, ok and everyone say’s ok. So they got a net a giant one and a long a very long rope to tie it on to the big giant net, and when big foot came yay they caught big foot. THE END FROM ZOE,’/


  1. Dear Zoe,

    Kaspar certainly had a clever idea for catching the giant. He and his friends also must have been very brave. I'm left wondering what happened to the giant after he was caught.

    Ms. Sargent (100 WC Team 100)

  2. To Zoe.

    Your story was awesome because you made your words were big.

    From Makayla.
    P.S I rock.

  3. To Zoe

    I loved your story. Did you like writing it?

    From Leah
